
Five Steps To Riding Bike (Second Edition)

Start Thinking Like a Cyclist. In many cases, this isn’t much different from thinking like a driver. The law in California gives bicycle riders the same rights and responsibilities as auto drivers. You must ride in a straight line if riding with other cyclists, blend in with traffic, indicate turns, stop at signs/lights and ride on the right side of the road.

Put Safety First. Buy a Snell/ANSI-approved helmet – then wear it. Check your bike for reflectors (reflectors and lights are required in California are required in California for riding in darkness) and other safety features. Your local bike shop can help you find the right equipment. Wear brightly colored clothing, especially if you bicycle at dawn or dusk.

Check Your Fitness Level. You may want to consult your physician to make sure you’re fit enough to ride. Talk to Your Employer. Your company may offer benefits for bicyclists, such as lockers to store your bicycle, shower and changing facilities, bonuses for bike riders and more. Ask your employee transportation coordinator (ETC) or human resources manager. They can also help you discover options such as where you’ll store and extra change of clothes or if you can.

Bike to Work! A great day to give it a try is Bike to Work Day, a day when people throughout the state will leave their cars at home and instead bicycle to work.


Linux ???

Linux is one of the hottest buzzwords in the world of computers, but beyond that, what is it? Simply put, Linux is an operating system. Which of course begs the question, “what is an operating system?” In simple terms, an operating system is software that runs your PC. Microsoft Windows is another operating system, as is the Apple OS X®. Of course, you are familiar with the various applications you run on your PC, such as word processors, graphics utilities, spreadsheets, and even games. An operating system is like these other applications, except that rather than create a document or play a game, it actually runs your PC. When you move a file, delete a file, create a directory, load software, etc., it is your operating system that performs all of these tasks. Without an operating system, your PC is really just a pile of useless circuits, worth less to you than a toaster. The operating system is what is running your machine. In addition to communicating with your printer, displaying output to your monitor, and running your CD-ROM, it has other functions. Your operating system provides a context within which your applications run. For example, your favorite word processor must run within the context of your computer’s operating system. When you print, your word processor talks to the operating system, which in turn handles the printing. The operating system is, essentially, the soul of your computer.

There are other operating systems available for you to use. You are probably familiar with Microsoft Windows (Windows 98, 2000, or XP). Windows is a very popular operating system for home users and small businesses. In fact, in its various versions, Windows is the predominant desktop operating system. It is hard to find a modern office without computers running Windows. Most home users have a Windows PC. This is obvious when you go to any store that sells computer software. Most commercial software stores carry predominantly Windows software, with only a small selection of titles for other operating systems. Another popular operating system is Apple Macintosh OS (short for operating system). As of this writing, the Macintosh OS is up to version 10, popularly referred to as OS X. Macintosh is easy to use and has been particularly popular with the graphics and computer animation industries. Many very high-end computer graphics companies use Apple computers. Many of the special effects you see in movies were probably created, or at least augmented, with Apple computers. Another operating system that generally is used for high-end servers, not for desktops, is Unix, which is known This brings us to Linux. Linux is a variant of Unix. In fact, many people now use the term nix to refer to Unix and its variants. Linux is an operating system that has some rather unique features.

First, it is very stable and robust, being based on the time-honored Unix operating system (more on that in the next part of this chapter). Second, it is distributed under an open source license. Open source licensing is rather simple, yet elegant. Open source means that once you obtain a piece of software, it is yours to do with as you please. Would you like to make a copy or change the source code? Under open source, the source code of the software is open to the public, and when you purchase a product, it is yours to do with as you will. In case you did not realize it, this is radically different from Microsoft, Oracle®, Sun®, and most commercial software. For example, when you buy Microsoft Windows, the manufacturer’s licensing agreement that comes with the product places rather significant restrictions on what you can do with that product. Violating that license agreement can result in losing the license to that software and, in some extreme cases, in lawsuits. Each vendor’s licensing agreement stipulates what is acceptable use of its software and what is not. Most commercial vendors do not allow you to alter their software, nor do they allow you to have access to the source code for the software. Most vendors also do not allow you to make or distribute copies of their software after you purchase it. One example of software licensing restrictions is that if you purchase a computer that comes with Windows, you cannot later sell that copy of Windows, even if you have disposed of the machine. Several eBay® sellers have been shut down by Microsoft for just that sort of activity. Also, you most certainly do not have access to its source code. With open source software, you can do anything you want with the software once you get it, and you have complete access to the source code. its stability and security, but also for its expense.

Access to source code may not be particularly intriguing to many readers. You have to be a rather highly skilled programmer to make much use of it. However, if you have skilled programmers on staff, they can take the Linux source code and make modifications to customize the operating system for your particular needs.

One note of caution is in order. What you can do with open source software is not completely unlimited. For example, you cannot put your own label on open source software and resell it. The open source license does not give you this right. If you put Red Hat® Linux and your name on a CD-ROM and then started selling copies, you might find yourself the target of litigation and possible criminal charges. The author does not claim to be an attorney and recommends that with any software, you read the licensing agreement carefully. Open source software has the least restrictive licensing of any software you can find, far less restrictive than commercial software. However, there are still some limitations. It is recommended that you look at www.opensource.org/ to see a wealth of information and links on open source software.

One advantage of an open source operating system is that a lot of the software written for the operating system also is open source. This means that, although the software selection for Linux in an average retail store might be slim, the selection of freely downloadable software on the Internet is vast.

You will also find that the Linux community is rather supportive of itself. You will find several links in the appendices of this book, and it is even possible that you might find a Linux users group in your area, especially if you live in a major metropolitan area. These people can be quite helpful to the Linux novice.


About Linux Kernel

If you’re using a distribution such as Fedora, you might have noticed many numbers associated with the Linux kernel version. (Type uname -r to see what I’m talking about specifically.) The first kernel used with Fedora Core 5, for example, is 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5. Here’s how to translate this into something a little more useful:

Version 2
Patch level 6
Sublevel 15
Extra version -1.2054
Local version _FC5

So if someone asks the person with this system what version of Linux she’s using, she would say 2.6. The 2 is the major and the 6 is the minor version number. The version and patch level are the official names from the kernel’s Makefile. The sublevel 15 is the 15th official release of kernel 2.6. The extra and local version are used internally by the distribution, in this case Fedora. Fedora uses them to indicate that this is their official numbered release (1.2054). And for the distributions version number FC5, the underscore is just used as a separator. In this chapter, I refer to these numbers as V (Version), P (patchlevel), S (sublevel), E (extra version), and L (local version).

Further confusion can be avoided if you understand one more piece of information. When someone asks what version of Linux you’re running, don’t say Fedora FC5 or Debian Sarge. Fedora and Debian are distributions. The version of Linux is the information I explain here. To
add further fuel to the fire (of confusion), some distributions add special methods to compile the kernel. Hence, the sections explaining the steps for Fedora and Debian. The section on the vanilla kernel is for those who don’t need the special instructions (such as Fedora before FC4). These are generally distributions not derived from Fedora or Debian (two of the largest distributions). I can’t know all the methods for compiling the kernel for a distribution, but the ones I outline probably cover most users’ needs.


Difference Between Wirelles and Wired

Wireless networking is the easy way to set up a home network. If done correctly, it’s relatively secure and easy to operate. My network at home is a mix of wired and wireless network devices. The network hardware that stays in one place (such as my TiVo, desktop computers, and servers) are networked with cables. My laptops (one for work, one for fun) all use the wireless
network. Wireless makes it easier to move things around so that I’m not tied to my office. I can enjoy a nice day outside and still get my office work done.
Sometimes, too many wireless devices try to acces the network, and the quality of your network connection decreases

This is why my server is on the wired network. For large networks, a mix of wired and wireless computers is acceptable. For a small, home network, wireless is fine unless all your neighbors also have wireless — then things get pretty interesting! There are eight wireless access points within 150 feet of my home. Security in this sort of sit-
uation is very important, not only so that others don’t steal your bandwidth (and do things you might be blamed for), but also so that your devices don’t accidentally join other networks. Diagnosing this kind of a problem can leave you stumped for hours.


Which Distribution Of Linux That You Want To Choose?

Different Linux distributions fill specific needs. For example, although RedHat started life as a unifying distribution, it primarily supported English applications. SuSE was a popular internationalized distribution. Many distributions were maintained by modifying other distributions. For example, Kheops is a French version of RedHat, and the Beowulf clustered computing environment is based on RedHat. Although RedHat has seeded many different distributions, it is not alone. Debian Linux is another distribution with a significant following. As with RedHat, Debian has been used to spawn many different niche distributions. Although Ubuntu is based on Debian, it is also seeding other distributions.Different distributions of the Linux operating system are sometimes called flavors.

There are over 370 different supported flavors of Linux, each with a different focus. You can see the listing of official distributions at http://www.linux.org.
Ubuntu is a Linux distribution based on Debian Linux. Different Linux distributions target different functional niches. The goal of Ubuntu is to bring Linux into the desktop workspace. To do this, it needs to provide a stable user interface, plenty of office tools, drivers for a myriad of peripherals, and still be user-friendly. Although different groups manage nearly every open source project, Canonical Ltd. provides a central point for development and support. Canonical, along with the Ubuntu community, can answer most of your technical (and not so technical) questions.


Five Steps To Riding Bike (First Editions)

You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to bike to work – even if you live a long distance away. When you commute by bicycle, you’ll save money, get a good workout, and do your share to cut auto emissions that are behind 60% of our area’s smog. Here, the bicycling experts at the California Bicycle Coalition offer a 5-step plan for bypassing traffic jams by bicycling to work.

Gear Up. Using a bike that’s been in the garage for a year or more? Have it checked out by your local bike shop pro. Most shops will perform a tune-up to make sure the bike is in working order for about $35.

Select a Route. Design a route by looking at a city map or Thomas Brother’s guidebook. Better yet, consult a local bike map that shows bike paths or lanes. Look for extra wide travel lanes and low traffic volumes.

Look for the route Options. Many bus lines and rail transit allow bicyclists to bring their bikes on board if they obtain a permit in advance so for commutes farther than 10 miles, you may be able to bike to a nearby Park & Ride lot and catch a ride the rest of the way. Call 1-800-COMMUTE, and select the “rideshare” option for information on Park & Ride lots where you can store your bike in safe lockers.

Consider a bike buddy. Is there anyone at work who lives nearby that might want to ride to work with you? Knowing that someone is counting on you to ride can strengthen your resolve to bicycle. It can also be safer to ride as a pair, too, since you’re a more formidable force on the road and have someone to help you in case of emergency.

Do a test run. One a day you would regularly take your car, drive the route and look for things like wide lanes and traffic flow. Check out the street
conditions: Is the pavement even? Are there lots of parked cars? You may even try a test ride on your bicycle on a weekend prior to riding the route on a busy weekday.


History of Linux

The quickest way to understand Linux is to take a peek at its rich heritage. Although Programming of the Linux core started in 1991, the design concepts were based on the time-tested Unix operating system.Unix was developed at Bell Telephone Laboratories in the late 1960s. The original architects of Unix created it back when there were few operating systems, with the desire to have one that shared data, programs, and resources both efficiently and securely something that wasn’t available then (and is still sought after now). From there, Unix evolved into many different versions; its current family tree is so complicated that it looks like a kudzu infestation!

In 1991, Linus Torvalds was a computer science student at the University of Helsinki in Finland. He wanted an operating system that was like the Unix system that he’d grown fond of at the university, but both Unix and the hardware it ran on were prohibitively expensive. A Unix version called Minix was available for free, but it didn’t quite meet his needs. So, as a computer science student, Torvalds studied Minix and then set out to write a new version himself. In his own words (recorded for posterity on the Internet, since this was in an early version of an online chat room), his work was “just a hobby, won’t be big and professional like GNU.”

Writing an operating system is no small task. Even after six months of hard work, Torvalds had made very little progress toward the general utility of the system. He posted what he had to the Internet — and found that many people shared his interest and curiosity. Before long, some of the brightest minds around the world were contributing to Linus’s project by adding enhancements or fixing bugs (errors in the code).